Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Just you wait henry higgins( or Mr. Neighbor man)

I will be honest....... " I don't want to love him." 

Him= My angry neighbor who during the last week has yelled at me, pounded on my door, parked passive aggressively  which made it almost impossible for my roommate and I to back out of our parking spot and is someone who glares at me from his apartment as I enter my humble abode. 

 Conversation between me and God this morning 

Seriously God he is not lovable ! 
I am sure you see that He is more throw eggs at his truckable... is that what you mean by love? ? 
Does being lovely include loving him or can we pass on loving just this one person? Pretty Please.
 What I am thow eggs at my truckable ?
 I don't have a truck God, but yes I have been passive aggressive before, but you don't understand I had to be that one or two thousand tims, well that situation was...... ok yah I see your point. 

Fine I will love him! Are you happy now?!? 

What does is mean to love someone that is hard to love? How do I love my neighbor in practice? As much as I would like the practice of love to be easy and involve singing, and broadway quality dance numbers( humm..... that is an idea.... I could ....oh wait back to my point) the practice of love is intricate and ,my friends, our humanness often gets in the way. 

When I moved to this neighborhood I firmly believed that God had placed me here for a greater purpose and I said I was ready to be molded to his purposes. Ok Mr. Neighbor man get ready for some love because I have a feeling that God has revealed purpose number one.... Love Him. 


1 comment:

  1. I'd say... bake him some cookies with a nice note about wanting to get off on the right foot or something. And then just smile and wave hello politely every time you see him. I'd say that's about as much as you can do. Oh, and pray for him. : )
